You are the South East’s Best Local Restaurant, but where’s your favourite local restaurant?
There's a really understated noodle bar just around the corner from us - It's called Noodles Soup. You get the bill as soon as you order, cash only, picture menus and only about 15 seats. It's excellent. No. 72 with wontons every time.
How have you been celebrating your win?
We've been working solidly so haven't had much chance to celebrate. It's amazing to be so busy so we're thankful every day for that.
If money was no object, where would you book a table?
I had the luck of eating at Disfrutar in Barcelona on a press job when it first opened, I'd love to see what it's like now.

Where is your favourite cheap eat?
Any late-night chicken shop. Hot wings and a bun of some kind.
If you came in to eat at your own restaurant, what would you order?
Beef Tartare 'a la Big Mac', Focaccia with Cowboy Butter & a glass of Cotes Du Rhone. Maybe a portion of Seaweed Caramel Fried Chicken if we had it on.

Tell us something people don’t know about your restaurant.
Where we are haha. We've been here four years and people still regularly come in and say they had no idea we were here!
Where are you most excited to try in your neighbourhood?
I've heard that some good friends of ours who have a couple of other excellent restaurants here are opening a new joint really soon. They're great so I can't wait to try there when it opens. I think it's a secret though so I can't say who!
What is your go to post-service treat?
A perfectly mixed Boulevardier and a shot of Amaro Montenegro.